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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块一 Module I Teenage experiencesReading(2):Dying to be thin…下载详情
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《Reading(2):Dying to be thin…》公开课教案优质课下载


作者描述地震前的征兆,提到人们对动物乱跑、亮光等奇怪的现象毫无察觉,表达遗憾并启示读者要掌握地震知识,尤其是地震前的征兆。作者通过一系列对地震造成的破坏的描写,用“It seemed the world was at an end .”和“How could the survivors believe it was natural?”表达了地震的带;来的震惊和恐慌。通过对地震残酷的描写,尤其是,很多人死亡和受伤,很多孩子成了孤儿,使读者深刻地了解,自然灾害的无情和残酷。在文章最后,作者用一句“All hope was not lost.”描写了地震后人们积极救援的场景,温暖人心,既能唤醒人们要乐于助人,又能让读者感受到中国人民一家亲的温暖。

本文按照时间顺序展开,文中有明显的时间标志语清晰的交代了地震的发生、发展、结局,使文本结构清晰。文本每一段落都用主旨句对段落内容进行高度概括。段与段、句与句有很强的逻辑关系:因果、转折、并列、总分...文章中没有直接的交待作者情感态度的语言,但是通过分析事实性信息读者能够推导出作者要表达的情感态度。文中用到了多种修辞格,是语言生动,不同于直白的新闻报道。学生情况分析本节课的授课对象为高一学生,经过上节课的学习,掌握了地震发生的原因、征兆、损害和地震发生时人们的情感。学生上课热情高,课前预习了本单元的词汇。但是学生是00后,对唐山大地震了解甚少。有些地震词汇对学生来说难于理解。3.教学目标Based on homework, and in the way of checking homework, sharing opinions, predicting, reading, finding information, analyzing point of view, concluding, etc, students are able to:

analyze the structure of the passage, and conclude the core content.

speak out or explain the meaning of key words and sentences.

sharing the understanding of the feeling and attitude of the author.4.教学重点、难点分析项目内容解决措施教学重点Analyze the core content of the passage, generalize and conclude the process of Tangshan earthquake, that is, before, during and after.Through repeated reading, obtain and sort out the real-time information that describes Tangshan earthquake, and guide students to summarize and conclude it.教学难点Understand the author’s feeling and attitude in the language.Guide students to obtain and sort out real-time information describing Tangshan earthquake, and based on the understanding that earthquakes are frightening, study the author’s feeling and attitude.5.教学过程设计教学


步骤教学流程教学目的/设计说明教师活动学生活动3 minStep 1



Check the homework.1.Review what they have learned about earthquakes.

2.Answer questions using their own language they get from the short passage.To make sure the students get well prepared for this period.2 minStep 2

Lead - inLead students to

analyze the title.

Read the title together and analyze it.To emphasize the importance of title and get students to predict the content of the passage.4 minStep 3

Fast readingLead students to look through the passage to find the structure of the passage.1.Look through the passage.

2.Tell the writing order.

3.Find the time markers.

4.Divide the passage.To help students to grasp how the passage develops.23 minStep 4

Detailed reading1.Lead students to read each paragraph to find and analyze the details.

2. Summarize the information and draw a conclusion.

3. Explore the writer's feeling and attitude.1.Read each paragraph.

2.Answer the questions. To help students develop the abilities: analyzing, summarizing and concluding.6 minStep 5

InterviewPresent a reminder and requirements.Make up an interview among a reporter and three survivors.To train students to use what they have learned into practice.1 minStep 6

HomeworkHomework1.Retell the passage according to the mind map.
