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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块一 Module I Teenage experiencesReading(2):Dying to be thin…下载详情
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模块一 Module I Teenage experiences《Reading(2):Dying to be thin…》优质课教案下载

Step1: Lead in

Listen to a part of song carefully and figure out some of its lyrics. After listening, try to tell what the song is about.

(The song is about a teenager who wants to change her look to become more beautiful. But beauty is within the heart.)

Most of people can’t realize the fact that they look best the way they are. They usually want to become slimmer. What are the ways to lose weight?

(going on a diet, doing exercises, receiving surgical treatment, taking weight-loss pills)

Some of these suggestions may cause damage to our health. Today we are going to learn a story about a girl who desires to become slimmer. Let’s find out whether she succeeds or not.

Step2: Fast reading

Answer three questions.

①Where does Amy come from?

②What kind of pills did Amy take?

③Can you guess the two possible meanings of the title?

Try to match the main idea of each e-mail.

The first e-mail: In order to lose weight, Amy takes weight-loss pills and becomes slimmer and slimmer.

The second e-mail:Weight-loss pills cause Amy’s liver to fail and she was sent to the hospital for treatment and recovery.

The third e-mail:Zhou was sorry to hear about Amy’s problems and hoped everyone could value the importance of health.

Step3: Careful reading

Read the first e-mail and complete the form.

Reasons for losing weight

Ways of losing weight


Try to retell Amy’s story of losing weight according to the pictures.

Read the second e-mail and complete the form.

Where was Amy?

Why did Amy go there?

What caused the illness?
