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模块二 Module II Making discoveries《Reading(1):Boy missing, police puzzled》精品教案优质课下载

to arouse students’ interest in detective.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

All the story begins with a story, one day, a detective was reading the newspaper. Suddenly, he was attracted by a title named “Boy missing, police puzzled”.

Now, look at this title carefully; this title is complete or incomplete?

Can you speak out the complete sentence of this title?

Are the news titles always incomplete? Why?

Tell students the features of a news title through the series questions. The news titles are always incomplete because they should be brief, direct and attractive.

Step 2 Fast Reading

First, let’s make a prediction of this news according to the title and these three pictures. WHAT HAPPENED TO JUSRIN?

Maybe he was taken away by aliens after he played baseball with his two friends.

Then please read the first paragraph to check your prediction.

Is your prediction true? Maybe or maybe not. Now pay attention to these sentences in colors. Please use five words to summarize them. What/Who/When/Where/Why

Present a chart which contains the structure of a news story. The title (to give a general idea of the news), the 1st paragraph (to give the introduction and the most important facts, such as who, where, when, what, why, and how), the rest paragraphs (to give detailed but the less important information)

Present another chart of this news. Please fill in the main ideas of each part.

The structure of this news


Boy missing, police puzzled

Part 1

Para. 1

To give a general idea of the news

Part 2

Para. 2-8

Evidence given by witnesses

Part 3

