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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块三 Module III Broardening horizonsReading(1):Fog下载详情
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Teaching important points:

Guide the students to express their opinions and share with the others.

Provide more chances for the students to think and speak in English and improve their ability of practicing English.

Teaching procedures:


Begin the class with a game.

Step2: Brainstorming

Show some pictures of foggy days and encourage the students to think about some questions and share their ideas.

What may happen in such a thick fog?

What can you think of when the word “fog” is mentioned?

If you got lost in the foggy day , how would you go home?

Step3: Reading strategy

Check out the assignment that the students are required to find out the six elements in the story and retell the story according to these elements.

Step4: Further reading part by part.

Divide the passage into three parts. Ask the students to read each part with some questions.

Part1 (Fog warning&No buses to King Street)

What’s the weather like in the morning?

Why did Polly take the Underground train to Green Park?

Part2 (A tall man&Footsteps)

What happened to Polly on the train?

If you were Polly , what’s your feeling and what would you do?

What was the weather like outside the train station?

According to lines 22-24, what made Polly afraid?

Part3 (The helpful stranger&The grateful helper)

Role-playing: Ask some students to come to the front and read the Part3. And then answer some questions.
