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《Grammar and usage(1): Overview: infinitive, verb-ing and verb-ed(I)》精品教案优质课下载

2.Instructions on how to do task-based reading

3. Practice

Teaching procedures:

= 1 ﹨ ROMAN I Understanding procedures:

1.Before filling: understand the material

study the form

2.While filling: find the key information in the material

underline the related words or phrases

choose suitable words

3.After filling: check _____________________________________________

= 2 ﹨ ROMAN II Instructions :

A:Getting direct information

1.This type of influence can also get a friend off drugs, or to help an adult take up a good habit or drop a bad one.

Positive influences are good grades, team(spirit)and building –up of good ______, etc.

2.Conscientiousness(认真负责) is particularly important for outstanding performances in jobs at the lower levels of an organization.


B:Converting information

Word form

1.With all the information available, it’s not surprising that people can feel confused.

There is a lot of job information on-line, but too much of it may sometimes be _______________.

2. Such behaviors as talking loudly and jumping the queue are considered not appropriate in public.

_______________ behaviors are not allowed in public.

3.Comments made behind your back hurt and make you angry, and don’t forget how you feel about those who talked about you. Don’t get involved in any meaningless talk where chances to realize a dream or accomplish an aim might be missed.

Focus on a _______________ talk—have a chance to realize a dream or accomplish an aim.

Part of speech

