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模块六 Module VI Making a better world《Reading(2):The UN—bringing everyone closer together》公开课教案下载

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模块六 Module VI Making a better world《Reading(2):The UN—bringing everyone closer together》公开课教案优质课下载

Key and difficult points: How to help the students grasp the main idea of the passage.

Teaching aids: Multi-media

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

Show the students some pictures.

Questions: --What do you feel after seeing these pictures?

--There are still some problems that can’t be settled by individuals. Who do you think can help solve those problems?

(B) What do you know about the UN?

--Where is the headquarter of the UN?

--What does the UN official emblem stand for?

--When is the United Nations Day?

--What are the official languages of the UN?

--Who are the present and former Secretary-General of the UN?

Step 2 Reading comprehension

A. Fast reading

--Who is Tang Ning?

--How many countries belong to the UN?

--Which countries has Tang Ning visited?

B. Further Reading: analyze the text.

Read and divide the text into three parts.

--Part 1 (P1-3) Brief introduction of the UN

--Part 2 (P4-5) Working as a UN Goodwill Ambassador

--Part 3 (P6) The problems the UN helps solve and its goals to achieve by 2015

C. Reading the text carefully and complete the tasks.

First three paragraphs:
