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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块七 Module VII Improving our livesWord power: Hospital and medicine下载详情
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《Word power: Hospital and medicine》精品教案优质课下载

1. Students will learn words and expressions related to doctors, hospitals and medicines.

2. Students will know about what some different departments of hospital are used for.

3. Students should know that prevention of being ill is necessary.

Teaching important and difficult points

1. How to make students familiar with some words about hospital and medicines.

2. How to make students use their words to express their opinion.

Teaching steps:

Step one: Lead-in

Q: When people fall ill, what will they do?

S: ...........


Step two: Tasks

Task 1: Guessing Game—What kind of doctors are they?

Task 2: Showing around the hospital—the departments of hospital

Our hospital is a modern medical centre. We provide medical, surgical and psychiatric care, and treatment for the sick or the injured.

First let’s go to the clinic, which is for outpatients---people who don’t need to stay in hospital. When they come here, they will first go to reception to register. The nurses there will decide which department they should go to. For example, if something is wrong with the patient’s throat, they will tell him or her to go to the ENT department---the car, nose and throat department. Then the patient goes to a consulting room, where a doctor will make a diagnosis after examining the patient. If necessary, the patient will have to go to the x-ray room to have pictures of his or her body parts taken.

This is the emergency room, where patients who need urgent treatment should go. Here is our pharmacy, where medicine is prepared and given to patients according to prescriptions from our doctors.

This is our operating theater, where our surgeons perform operations on patients. If a patient needs to stay in hospital for further treatment, he or she will be sent to a ward. Some patients have to stay in the ICU---the intensive care unit---because they need intensive care.


Task3: Complete a diary entry

10 March

It has been freezing these days. Granny wasn’t feeling well this morning. She had a fever and kept coughing. I thought she had got a cold, so mum and I took her to see a doctor.

On arriving at the hospital (1)____________, we saw there were a lot of people there. Many people had fallen ill because of the cold weather. I went straight to (2)____________, and told a nurse what was wrong with my Granny. When the nurse learnt that Granny was old and had a fever, she told us to go to the (3)____________, so that Granny would be treated immediately. After Granny had her temperature taken, the nurse there took her to see a doctor. The doctor checked her, and then told her she needed an X-ray, so we went to the (4)____________.

When the doctor read the X-ray, he said that she just had a bad cold. He prescribed some medicine and gave some suggestions. Then I went to the (5)____________, to get the medicine.

After we got home, Granny took the medicine just as the doctor had instructed. Now she looks much better.
