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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块八 Module VIII Appreciating literature and artProject(1): Making a small book about unusual pictures下载详情
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译林2003课标版《Project(1): Making a small book about unusual pictures》集体备课教案优质课下载

n. 1) [C] a flat, often thin, piece of food that has been cut from a larger piece:

a slice of bread/cake

cucumber/lemon slices

Would you like another slice of ham/beef?

2) [S] a part of sth., such as an amount of money:

We agreed before we did the deal that we'd both take an equal slice of the profit.

The film presents us with a fascinating slice of history.

3) [C] a kitchen utensil with a wide blade which is used for serving pieces of food:

a cake/fish slice

v. 1) [T] to cut sth. into thin, flat pieces:

Slice the mushrooms thinly and fry in butter.

[+ two objects] Could you slice me a very thin piece of cake/slice a very thin piece of cake for me?

2) [I + adv. or prep.] to easily cut into or through sth. with a sharp knife:

He screamed as the blade sliced into his leg.

FIGURATIVE She watched his slim strong body as it sliced effortlessly through the water.


adj. cut into thin flat pieces:

sliced bread/ham/tomato


n. [C] a machine or tool for slicing particular types of food:

an egg/bread/meat slicer

2. Choose small seashells so they will not be very heavy when they are stuck onto the card. (P47) 选择小的贝壳,这样,当它们粘在卡片上之后就不会太重。

stick (stuck, stuck)

v. 1) [I or T; usually + adv. or prep.] to push a pointed object into or through sth., or (of a pointed object) to be pushed into or through sth. and stay there:

She stuck the needle into my arm.
