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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版七年级下册Section B 3a—3c Self check下载详情
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2)Ability Objectives:

To be able to write a simple ad for a restaurant.

To be able to make sentences by using there be structure

3) Emotion Objectives:

To be a man with good integrity.

2、Key and Difficult Teaching Points

1)How to lead in this part?

2) How to practice the key sentence structures in an efficient and interesting way?

3) How to invoke students’ interest in this part?

Teaching Methods

1) demonstration method

2) exercise method

3) class discussion method

4) heuristic method

5) task-based method

4、Learning Methods

1) self-learning method

2) mutual learning method

3) practice in different forms

5、Teaching Steps

Step1 Before the Class(1 minute)

To enjoy a song.

Step2 (1 minute)

To read the learning goals together.

Step3 Leading In (5 minutes)

It is really hot today, right? I’d like some ice-cream on such a hot day! Do you like ice-cream? What kind of ice-cream would you like? What kind of fruit ice-cream would you like?

It is always my dream to have my own ice-cream and pancake house. Do you want to come to my ice-cream and pancake house?

Step 4 (2 minutes)

To do 3a. Fill in the blanks in the ad with the words in the box.

Step 5 (5 minutes)

