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Reading Circle的运用
教师活动学生活动设计意图利用绘本,选取主要图片,简要复述故事内容。板书主要内容。听懂故事简介关注老师板书的生词。导入并处理部分生词。Reading circle:将任务分成Discussion leader,picture,person,word master, summarizer四部分,让小组组长选取自己的任务并执行。进行小组讨论。将任务分下去,各组进行讨论并选择汇报人。加强小组间组员的合作精神和进行有效的探究活动。安排学生进行展示。G6任怡洁Word Master: nested, inviting, dog-eared
G7 江沁辰Discussion Learder:
Why did he begin to wander?
What’s the meaning of the changes of colours?
G8 陈浩楠 Discussion Leader:
What did he experience and what did he do during his whole life?
In Picture 42, where did the books take him away? And why?
G 3陈超旭 Picture person
Picture 44 : The legs of the book are pencils.
G 5 吴童 Picture Person
Picture 44: The balloon is a new hope.
G1 李小涵
Picture 28: 1. Shelves
2. grey—colorful curative power---background
Everyone’s story matters.
G 2尚纬一 Summarizer:
Books and Life: (视频中30分钟处)
G 4朱宇纬 Summarizer:
Books accomplish people. They produce people.Reading Circle 的运用可以学生多方面的进行绘本的阅读,带来更多的思考和分享。问题讨论:What is reading to you?李帅发言:
R elax
E ducation
A rt