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《Lesson 2 Protecting the Sea》最新教案优质课下载

1. 提问: Do you want to take your own Dory home and keep it as a pet? Is it a good idea?

2. 阅读文本 (快速阅读) Do you want to catch Dory after Finding Dory?并概括文章大意:It is not a good idea to take your own Dory home because it will do harm to the sea.

3. 精细阅读并回答以下问题:

(1). What is the problem with the clownfish (Nemo)? What causes the problem?

(2). What is the problem with the blue tang (Dory)?

(3). How can people catch a blue tang?

(4). What is the problem with the way to catch a blue tang?

(5). What is a good idea if you want to see a blue tang?

学生回答问题,核对答案, 老师进行小结。

4. 根据提示复述文本主要内容:假设你是Dory, 对那些想要把你带回家的小朋友们说出你的想法:

over-fishing---drop in number



Hello, I am Dory, a blue tang. I know you love me very much and want to buy me home, but it is not a good idea. There are problems it will cause. Firstly, … On the other hand…

小结:Protecting the sea is protecting our Mother Earth. Therefore, please do not buy your own Nemos or Dorys home and let them live in the sea.

Step Three 读后任务:向学生展示一张河流被污染的图片, 说明我们的母亲河潮白河也面临着同样的问题:污染和过度捕捞。 作为个体, 我们可以做什么?

小组任务:设计一项活动, 保护我们的河流, 包括活动主题, 内容和意义。 推举一名学生作代表, 按照以下范例来展示:

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. As we all know, our Mother River is being polluted seriously. I think we should do our bit to protect the river. Therefore, we are going to organize an activity themed “…”

We are planning/ are going to … so that/ in order that we can…/ with the purpose of…

Thanks for listening!


Step Four 总结: 保护河流就是保护大海。 保护大海, 从我做起!