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北师大2003课标版《Lesson 3 Marco Polo》精品教案优质课下载

1. To compare and distinguish defining and non-defining relative clauses

Teaching Aids:computer

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Warming up

T: before our new lesson, I will play a song for you.

Then the teacher plays the song《敢问路再何方》for students to listen to.

Have students to talk about the story 《西游记》 and then lead to the new lesson.

Step 2. Fast reading

Listen to the text carefully, and match the paragraphs with the topics

Para.1 Marco Polo's early life

Para2 Marco returned to Italy

Para3 Inventions and developments in China

Para4 Kublai Khan welcomed Marco

Para5 Marco was amazed at China

Para6 People’s reaction to Marco’s stories

T: According to the text, What kind of order does the author use to develop the passage ?

S: Time.

Step3. Careful-reading

T: Read the text carefully and try to fill in the blanks.

Basic information Name: Marco Polo

was born in______ in_________

Before he got to China travelled across__________

to_________with the Chinese

was amazed by_____________

was impressed by__________