Step 1 : Greeting and Review simple past tense.
Recall what we have learned yesterday.
What could we do with simple past tense.
B. The signs of simple past tense.
C. The rules of changing regular verbs into their past tense.
Step 2: Some exercises about changing regular verbs into their past tense.
Simple exercises with hints.
Self check 1.
Step 3: Practice past tense in dialog.
A. Self check 2.
B. Check answers and explain them.
Step 4: Practice past tense in diaries.
A. Exercise 3a.
Check answers.
Read the diary together.
B. Exercise 3b.]
Check answers.
Read the diary together.
C. Different people may have different ideas about the same thing.
Step 5: Write a diary about your school trip.
Read Exercise 3c and confirm the tense (Past tense).
Read the questions that may help you write a diary.
List all the possible answers to these questions on the blackboard.
Try to write a diary according to the list above.
Share diaries.
Step 6: Summary
Simple past tense.
How to write a diary.
Step 7: Homework
Write your own trip and there should be no less than 60 words.