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《Culture Corner》集体备课教案优质课下载

Talk about the design of the euro notes and coins through role-play interview.

Learn some background knowledge about the euro.

Teaching difficulty

Guide students to learn the relevant cultural knowledge about euro deeply.

Deeply think about the benefits of using a single currency-euro.

Teaching aids

PPT, multi-media

Teaching procedure

Greeting and lead-in

Teacher introduces himself to students and then guides students to have a whole idea of this class. Then teacher will have a quiz about the background information of euro while expanding some relevant knowledge.

Which countries use euro as their official currency?

How many kinds of notes are in the picture?

How many colors are used in the note?

What kind of images and symbols does euro contain?

Warm up

Teacher will raise two questions about the design of the euro notes and coins after showing students some pictures, which can attract students’ attention.


Task 1: teacher leads to the text and guides students to have a fast reading, then match the main idea with each paragraph.

Task 2: guide students to read the text carefully and answer the following questions

When didi the euro start to be used as an official currency?

How many countries are using the euro?

What do the images represent?

What does the 12 stars on the flag represent?

After students finish the questions, teacher will explain the detailed knowledge about the design of the euro notes and coins.
