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They have been used to doing multiple choices and writing a summary or a review of the cover story every weekend. Students take turns making a daily speech with their theme focusing on the cover studies every day. At the end of the lessen will be the students who show their views on the job market in the future.

Teaching Objective:

Develop students’ ability to collect information through newspaper reading

Develop students’ ability to do multiple choices

Make students realize fierce competition in the future job market

Arouse students’ awareness to develop their all-around abilities

Teaching Focuses & Difficulties

Catch key words and their proper or improper substitutes in doing multiple choice

Use words and phrases to talk about job issues

Teaching Facilities:

The i-pad and apps offering statistics (Technically supported by Xun Fei Company)

Teaching Procedures:

Free talk to introduce the topic:

What job are you going to do in the future?

What your dream job is?

How make yourself equal to it?

Fast- reading: Make clear the structure of the text.

Match the paragraphs with the main ideas:

What are future jobs like? Para1-4

Future job trends: Para5-6

How to prepare for your future job? Para7-10

Check the Multiple choices questions

Based on the statistics offered by the app, students mostly made mistakes in Exercise1. Where they misunderstood the word “Flexibility” and its substitute expressions and Exercise.2 where some of them didn’t catch the key words.


Answer the questions to further understanding the article.