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2 Teaching difficult points

When using reported speech, students may have problems with backshifting of the verbs and changes in tenses, pronouns and time expressions.

3 Teaching important points:

A. Guide the students to make inferences by grasping the key words, the main idea of the paragraph and the main idea of the whole passage.

B. Help the students to master the reported speech

4 Teaching methods:

A. Listening and answer activity to help the students to go through with the whole passage.

B. Discussion enable each student to get involved in the English study and practice their oral English

5 Teaching aids

a computer a tape recorder and a blackboard

6 Teaching procedures:

A. Greetings

Greet the students

B. Revision and lead in

The teacher asks the students: Last lesson we have learned something about interview, so can you tell me if you go for a job interview, do you want to be successful? And how can we succeed?

Brainstorming: The teacher divide the students into four groups and ask them to say as many words as they can about success.

C. Pre-reading

The teacher asks the students to look at the screen: Who are they?

Competition: Why can they succeed? You can use the words we get in brainstorming and each group must have a representative to report their result of discussion

Fast reading: then, the teacher asks the students to read the passage quickly and try to find the answer: Why can Wang Junyan succeed?

A mother’s influence B curiosity and hardworking C believe in truth

D. While-reading

Careful reading: The teacher asks the students to read the passage carefully and put the headings of each paragraph in right order:

1. the reason of Wang’s success

2. mother’s education on Wang