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《Lesson 1 Life-long Learning》精品教案优质课下载

3. Students will be able to realize the importance of life-long learning and make their own plans for continuous study.

Teaching Important Points:

To get familiar with some words and phrases related to the life-long learning.

To understand the main idea of the passage and more detailed information as well.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1. How to help Ss achieve a better understanding of the importance of life-long learning and encourage them to make their own plans for continuous study.

2. Guide Ss to use the information and vocabulary acquired from the texts.

Teaching Methods:

1. Task-based learning method

2. Discovering learning method

3. Student-centered method (individual work and group work)

Teaching aids:

PPT, computer, the blackboard

Teaching procedure:

Step = 1 ﹨ ROMAN I Greeting and Lead-in

1. Greet each other.

2. Show some pictures to the students to arouse their interest.

Ask and answer between the teacher and the students.

1) Describe the pictures and tell how you understand it.

2) Review some famous sayings.

Step = 2 ﹨ ROMAN II Pre- reading

Read the title, the sub-tiles as well as the paragraph in italics and then guess the answers:

1. What’s the text mainly about?

2. What is the writer’s purpose of writing this article?

Step = 3 ﹨ ROMAN III While -reading