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北师大2003课标版《Lesson 3 Teachers》精品教案优质课下载

To read and understand how the teacher changes the student;

To learn to refer the feelings of the characters by grasping some key information.

To learn to use “wish” structure to express hopes.

Teaching Difficult & Important Point:

To conclude the rules of using “wish” structure from the examples shown in the text.

Teaching Approaches:

Task-based Reading

Teaching aids:


Teaching Procedure教学阶段教师活动学生活动设置意图时间安排1Warm Up:

Introduce myself to the students and ask for their advice on how to change a difficult student.Imagine being a teacher and propose some ways of dealing with students with bad behavior让学生从一个老师的角度出发,思考解决一些学生问题行为的方法,体会到解决这一个问题的难度。引发他们对课文中老师做法的求知欲。2’30”2 Reading Task1:

Ask Ss to answer “what kind of student was he?”

“ How did the teacher change him?”Go through Part I quickly and underline some relevant information..通过快速阅读初步了解文章第一部分的基本内容,快速定位关键信息。2’303 Check the answers and lead students to understand the meaning of new words like “willing”.Answer the questions and report their guesses about the meaning of the word “willing” 检测学生提取信息的准确性,并激励他们根据上下情境如同义反义关系理解生词的含义。5’00”4Reading Task 2:

Ask Ss to answer “what does ‘it’ refer to?” and “what feeling does the sentence infer?”

“ What is the main idea about the text?”Read the sentences again and chew their deep meaning. .考查学生剖析语句间it的指代并包含情感的能力。增强他们对段落大意的概括。3’00”5Reading Task 3:

Ask Ss to read Part Ⅱ and find Mr. Jenkins’s views on Graham.Read Part Ⅱ and complete the chart. Link the words into sentences to show the changing views锻炼学生提取关键词并形成语句表达的能力。5’00”6Reading Task 4:

Ask Ss to find Mr. Jenkins’s wishes and discuss about the rules of the verbs used in the “wish” structureComplete the sentences starting with “wish”. Study the sentences and summarize the rules of verbs used in the structure..让学生用wish句式替换表达Mr. Jenkins的愿望。通过实例让他们发现并归纳wish句式中应用虚拟语气导致动词形式变化的规则7’00”7Summary:

Lead Ss to further understand why Mr. Jenkins is devoted to his teaching and ask them to share their feelings after reading the whole passage.. Search for the relavant information to answer the question and talk about their feelings freely.通过进一步理解文章最后一个句子点出文章的主题,唤起学生对Mr. Jenkins以及对教师的崇敬之情。5’00”8Make a thank-note:

Invite students to write down their thanks and wishes to their dear teacher and share their work with the whole class. Write down several sentences including at least one sentence using the “ wish” structure.由课文过渡到学生自己的生活实际,通过制作感谢贴让学生去表露他们对老师的情感,同时进一步巩固练习了wish句式。10’00”9Homework:

Pair work. Ask Ss to better their thank note and send it to their teacher sincerely.Polish their note and choose a good occasion to send it to their favorite teacher in person. 将情感化为具体的行动,增强学生尊敬老师,争做优秀学生的意识。