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2) Emotional aim: Arouse our love for life and learn from Helen Keller.

Step 1: Lead-in

A game: If you can not see, how do you feel? (One student close the eyes, the other one writes a word on the partner’s hand silently. )

1. Can you tell the word?

What’s your feeling? (helpless, upset, sad, discouraged, lack of confidence…)

3. What do you know about Helen Keller? (writer, lecturer…)

Success is not always as easy as it seems.

Watch a video and know more about Helen Keller, especially when she was a child.

What words can we use to describe little Helen and her behavior?

(Troublesome unbearable stubborn)

Step 2: Fast reading

Skim the text and divide the passage into 3 parts and get the main idea of each part

Part 1: Para.1&2

Part 2 :Para. 3&4

Part 3 :Para. 5- 12

--- Main idea of each part

Part 1 (Para.1-2): Helen had difficulties _______________with others and Anne Sullivan came

to _____________.

Part 2 (Para.3-4): Helen began to learn ___________words about the objects that she could touch or feel, such as .

Part 3 (Para.5-12): Helen’s gradual and painful process of learning more ____________ words

like _______________ .

Step 3: Intensive reading

Read Part 1 and answer the questions.

How was Helen Keller different from other children? (Para. 1)

2. Why was her teacher so important to her? (Para. 1)