北师大2003课标版《Languages Awareness 3》教案优质课下载
= 3 ﹨ ROMAN III . Analysis of teaching objectives
1. Learn to understand the definition of the gap filling exercise.
2. Learn to be familiar with the use of the gap filling techniques in the exercise.
3. Learn to use the gap filling techniques correctly in the exam.
? = 4 ﹨ ROMAN IV . Analysis of key and difficult points
This text may focus on how to learn and how to use the gap filling techniques in the exercise. The second key point is students’ reading ability to grasp the important information from the texts.
Ⅴ. Analysis of teaching and learning strategies
The teaching strategies of this lesson are situational teaching method, task-based teaching method and student-centered teaching method while the learning strategies are cooperative learning method and self-management learning method.
= 6 ﹨ ROMAN ﹨ MERGEFORMAT VI . Analysis of teaching procedures
Step 1. 考试说明
Step 2. 短文特点: 短文体裁与特征
1、 短文体裁:除2017年全国Ⅰ卷是记叙文和2018年全国Ⅲ卷是议论文外,都是说明文。
2、 短文特征:说明文一般为总分结构,有主题段,每段有主题句,全文层次分明,条理清晰,且有时有格式标志。指导类说明文常含有ways, steps, tips, how等字眼。
Step 3. 解题方略
A. 了解文章的框架结构
七选五阅读的文章,无论是描述性说明文还是指导性说明文,一般是“总—分”结构,有主题段,每段有主题句或小标题。 “如何做”这类指导性说明文的基本结构如下:
第二部分:如何做 (方法或建议一条条分段列出,常有小标题和主题句)
第三部分:希望或评价 (经常无此部分)
B. 掌握语篇的衔接手段
C. 把握句际的逻辑关系
a. 总分关系:要求考生据“总(主题句)”选“分(支撑句或分述句)”,或据“分”选“总”。
b. 顺承关系:顺承是按时间、空间或逻辑事理上的顺序说出连续的动作或相关的情况,分句之间有先后相承的关系。