《Lesson 3 Scientific Breakthroughs》教案优质课下载
The analysis of learning condition本人所教授的是示范高中的文科班中普通班的学生。总体上,大部分学生对自然学科有很大的兴趣,关心时事,阅读广泛,英语听说读写基础良好,有很强的求知欲和表达欲望。因此在阅读教学上注重词汇的学习和课文的理解的同时,要求学生对所学的课文进行重点信息提取并复述。在语言点的学习上以语境法学习为主,在多样化练习中加以巩固。在写作教学中,以读促写,以复述,总结,讨论等方法搜集素材,以课文及老师提供的背景信息为主要依据,根据自己的需要和程度选取词汇和主体句句式,以小组为单位于课堂上列出写作提纲,并于课下完成最后的写作my favourite scientist。
Way of teaching:阅读课应用任务型方式进行教学,通过导入,读前,读中,读后内化及讨论等活动理解掌握课文,并能够根据时事新闻对课文中提供的信息有自己的看法。加深对课文的理解并对未来太空探索提出自己的预测或展望。 写作课通过复述,发现、拓展、归纳总结、操练和应用让学生合作完成作文提纲。老师在整个教学活动中起引导者、组织者和帮助者的作用。任务型教学方法和学生探究式学习方式。学生活动有个人活动和小组活动。Learning objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to
Knowledge and Ability Objects:
1.To use reading strategies for identifying accurate information.
2.To learn about some scientific breakthroughs and the scientists.
3.To talk about the influences of scientific discoveries.
Process and Method Objects:
Emotion ,Attitude and value Object:
通过学习Pioneers of Science, 感受科技进步和发明创造者们给生活带来的变化。学习科学家为寻求真理的献身精神,求是精神,树立向上的学习和生活态度,培养学生高尚的情操。
Important Points:
1. To use proper reading strategies for different tasks.
2. To get familiar with scientists and scientific breakthroughs in the last century.
Difficulty Points:
Learn to use reading strategies for identifying accurate information.
Teaching approaches:Task-based Approach
Teaching Aids:Dictionary, Multimedia and Blackboard
Teaching Time :Two periods
Teaching Procedures :the first period(reading)
Before reading
Step1 Lead in
1. Discuss the questions:Do you know the major discoveries of the scientists in the pictures?
Write down the relevant key words.______________________________________________.
2. Let’s have a quiz about science and scientist.