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《Lesson 1 Global Warming》公开课教案优质课下载

3. Learn to organize a story well when retelling.

4. Try to overcome the fear of retelling.

5. Realize the great effect of planting trees.

Teaching important and difficult points:

How to retell a story smoothly.

Teaching Approach:

Task-based learning; cooperative learning

Teaching Procedures:

Part I: Warming up ---- Retell a nursery rhyme

Students watch a video clip of a nursery rhyme and find out “4W1H” in it and match the key words. In this way, lead in the major skills in story retelling and arouse students’ curiosity about the skills.

Part II: Learning skills in story retelling

1. Characteristics of Part C 2. Procedures for Part C

Step 1: Pre-listening

1. Students are required to take a glance at the summary and pick out special information. Then fill in the blanks.

Setting: A young man ________. He ________ an old man.

Development: The old man take care of sheep and ___________ the seeds.

Result: _________ years later, the _______ village is covered in _________ forest.

2. Prediction

Students raise questions associated with the five key words using “4W1H”.

whowhatwherewhenhowshepherde.g. Who/How old was the shepherd?

classifysowbenefitforestStep 2: While-listening

1. The first listening:

★ Focus more on who, what, how to grasp the clue of the story.

Listen and write down the answers to the questions. (just the key words)

1) Who/How old was the shepherd? _______________________________________