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Teaching difficulty:

How to use the reading strategies to complete texts with sentence gaps.

Teaching procetures:

Step I .Lead to:

Look at some pictures and point out what kind of disasters they are?

◆Are they caused by people?

◆Are they made worse by people?

◆Are they natural?

Step 2: Task :

Learn to use Reading Strategies:

Completing texts with sentence gaps

(In lesson3, P38, Unit 21, Module 7, we have learn the reading strategies:

Sequencing of information,

which are quite similar to strategies learnt in this lesson.)

Reading strategy 1 → skimming

Read the text to get general idea:

Natural disasters are getting worse because of human activities.

Reading strategy 2 →skimming

Read a paragraph with a sentence gap and identify the topic,

Para 1: A An example of volcanic eruption &

earthquake show their threat to our world

Para 2: B. Examples show natural disasters become common

Para 3: C. Overpopulation in cities makes more

people in the danger of natural disasters

Para 4: D. Experts predict that natural disasters will get worse