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北师大2003课标版《Skills Development》新课标教案优质课下载

To learn the basic rules related to adding -ible/-able/-ly;

To summarize the drop the “e” rule;

To practise using these rules in sentences.

Teaching important points

The rules on adding suffixes -ible/-able and -ly

Teaching difficult points

The drop the “e” rule

The exceptions within each rule

Teaching methods

task-based teaching

student-centered teaching

Teaching aids



Information clips

Teaching procedures

ActivitiesIntentionsLead -in (3 min)Step 1Let students read the quote on the screen: What makes people tired is not the distant mountain, but the grain of sand in the shoe.Arouse students’ attention to the small mistakes in their study.Step2Spell the word “receive” and discuss the causes of such a mistake: 1. muscle memories; 2. ignorance of the spelling rules, i.e.: “i” is always before “e” except after “c”.Lay emphasis on the importance of spelling rules to motivate students to learn them actively. Activity 1 : Guess and summarize (5 min)Step3Let students do some research work on the nine groups of words in their handout and try to figure out the spelling rules they obey. The students are expected to get familiar with the example words and find out some easy ones’ answers. Activity 2: Information Assembly Line (18 min)Step 4

(5 min)Nine clips with a spelling rule on each are given to the students one by one with an interval of 10 seconds. Every group can only keep one clip for 10 seconds, then it will be delivered to the next group. As these clips are given in the wrong order, the students should match the spelling rules with the right word groups.

The rules on the clips are as follows:

Clip 1:

For words ending in “s/x”, add “-ible”;

For words ending in “se”, drop e and add “-ible”;

For non-independent words(不是独立存在的单词,只有和词缀结合才能存在的),add “-ible”.

Clip 2:

For words not ending in “e/s/x/y”, add “-able” directly.