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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版七年级下册Section B 1a—1e下载详情
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What~ questions for the past events

Who~ questions for the past events

Where~ questions for the past events

Past forms of the verbs

Sentence patterns:

What did you do last weekend? I did my homework./ We went boating .

Who visited her grandma? Becky did.

Where did she go last weekend? She went to a farm.

Who did she go with? She went with her classmates.

Task one Role-play

Ask some pairs of students to the front to act out the role-play part we learned yesterday , this part help to check the homework and study efficiency.

Task two Integrating (Section 3a & 3b)

Section 3a Check through the grammar focus with the students and have them finish this part.

Ask some students to come to the blackboard and fill in the blanks and then check the answers with them together.

Section 3b This task helps the students use the verbs in the past forms correctly.

Ask some students to fill in the blanks and check together. Then explain the story to the students briefly.

Task three Listening

Show some pictures of different activities and talk about the past events with the students and help them learn the target language first:

Sang and played the guitar ; went to the library ; studied for a test ; flew a kite ;had dinner with friends ; swam in a swimming pool

Play the tape for the students and ask students about what Sally and Jim do last weekend, let them fill in the blanks first.

Play it again and have them check their answers.

More questions: 1. How was Sally’ last weekend?

2. How was Jim’s last weekend?

3. Who went to the library?

4. Did he/she do anything interesting last weekend?

Homework: 1. Write about your last weekend

2. Preview the reading part.

3. Do the exercise book.
