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1. 利用早读时间完成单词和词组的识记任务,积累考试阅读所需词汇。

2. 学会自我分类,利用词汇的派生扩展夯实词汇,能够自己独立完成相应的词汇练习。

3. 学会运用各种方法高效记忆词汇:派生法、英英解释法和近似短语辨析法。


1. distinguish vi.& vt.显示……的差别;使……有所不同;辨别 ①(教材P20) Here was a chance for me to distinguish myself by inventing something merciful that would catch

snakes but not harm them. 这回我有机会来表现一下自己,我要发明某种仁慈的东西......

② It was hard to distinguish one twin from the other. 很难分辨出一对孪生儿谁是谁。

③ He is distinguished for his knowledge of economics. 他因为其经济方面的博学而著称。

④It is certainly important to distinguish between right and wrong. 明辨是非当然重要。 ⑤People who can not distinguish between colors are said to be colorblind. 不能辨别颜色的人称为色盲。

⑥He has distinguished himself as a teacher. 作为老师,他早已负有盛名。


distinguish ... from 把……与……区分开来 = distinguish between ... and ...

distinguish oneself (as/by/in) (作为……/以……/方面)表现自己;使自己出名

be distinguished for 因……而著称

distinguished adj.卓越的;杰出的;著名的 distinguishable adj. 可区别的;可辨别的

distinction n. 差别,区分,卓越

【学以致用】 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的介词或翻译。

1). Can you distinguish _______ those two objects?

2). Abbey is now perhaps the third most ________(distinguish) physician in Europe.

3). A black object is not easily ________(distinguish) on a dark night.

4). It is the superior intelligence and the use of language that distinguish man _______ the animals.

5). The Chinese nation is distinguished _______ its diligence and courage.

abruptly adv. 突然地, 唐突地, 意外地 abrupt adj. 突然的;意外的

1). 这路有很多急转弯。The road is full of .

2). 这会议突然结束了。The meeting came to .