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《Using LanguageⅡ》集体备课教案优质课下载



情感态度与价值观:结合课文内容对学生进行社会主义核心价值观教育,一方有难八方支援,使学生懂得感恩父母,感恩国家,感恩社会。学习者分析学生英语学习力为我校中等水平,英语基础较扎实,但分化现象很严重。有部分农村学生和男生英语基础相对薄弱,英语学习自信心不足,学习热情不高,尤其在说和写能力上不突出。怕说,怕写,怕出错,不愿用英语来表达自己的想法。教学/活动过程Step1 Lead-in

Watch a shot video of earthquake

Step2 Discussion

Discuss some useful survival tips and conclude “drop-cover-hold”

Do a practice of eascaping from the earthquake.

Setp3 Reading

Enjoy some pictures to describle Tangshan earthquake and Tangshan’s new look.

Read a letter of invitation and answer the following questions

1.Who invited the student ? why?

2.What was the park built for?

3.When will the student speak to the park visitors?

Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks according to the letter.

In the letter, Zhang Sha offers to the winner of the high school speaking about new Tangshan. And he tells the winner a group of five

heard the speech and that his/hers was the best one this year.

Then he the winner to speak to the visitors to a new park which will be opened to the public to those

died in Tangshan earthquake and those who helped the . Zhang Sha also hopes that the winner will

his or her family and friends July 28 at 11:00am

Step4 Speaking

If you are invited to attend the award ceremony and make a speech,

who do you want to thank ?

what would you say to show your thanks ?

(Use the following functional sentences to give a speech in the award ceremony)

I would like to express my thanks to… who…