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必修2《Using LanguageⅠ》精品教案优质课下载

To help the students read, speak and write about the missing Amber Room

To help students read and reply to a letter to the editor


Step Ⅰ. Warming up by talking about the history of the Amber Room.

Good afternoon, class. Yesterday’s class we have learned the reading passage and know the Amber Room. So, today’s class we will come to the using language part. First, let’s have a revision. Can you draw a timeline of the history of the Amber Room.

First, FrederickⅠmade the Amber Room. But, the next king of Prussia, Frederick WilliamⅠgave it to Peter the Great as a gift. So, the Amber Room became part of the Czar’s winter palace.

And next, CatherineⅡremoved it to a place outside St Petersburg and added more details to make the Room one of the wonders of the world.

But it’s a pity that some of the Nazis stole and sent the Room to Konigsberg.

So, it is missing now.StepⅡ. Thinking and speaking

1) After the Amber Room was lost, what really happened to it remains a mystery. Many people say different opinions about it.What fate do you think the Amber Room will have?

Student1: Maybe it is buried somewhere.

Student2: I think it might be burnt or destroyed during war.

Student3: It is hidden is a place...

2)Is what you said a fact or an opinion? Why?

Step Ⅲ. Reading and answering

1.Read this passage and think about the difference between a fact and an opinion.

1) What is a fact?

A fact is anything that can be proved.

2) What is an opinion?

An opinion is what someone believes is true but has not been proved.

In a trial, which one will the judge believe, a fact or an opinion? Why?

A judge will believe a fact rather than an opinion.

Because it’s true information given by the eyewitness.

Now read a man’s story about what happened to the Amber Room quickly. Do you think it is a fact or an opinion? Give your reasons.

I think it is an opinion because Jan Hasek did not see what was in the boxes. He listened to other people’s ideas of what might have been inside. So his evidence is an opinion.