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By the end of this class, the majority of the students will be able to reach these goals.

1. Knowledge aims

(1). The students will be able to express their intention and purpose.

(2). The students will be able to make sentences with the new words and

expressions in this unit.

2. Ability aims

(1). Through listening, students will improve their listening ability, especially the ability to catch key words and the ability to analyze the information.

(2).Students will be able to talk about the endangered animals and the ways to protect them.

(3). Through writing practice, Ss will be able to improve their writing skills.

3. Emotional aims

(1). Stimulate students’ love for wildlife.

(2). Cultivate students’ sense of cooperation and build up their confidence in learning English.

Part two: The analysis of students

According to the New Standard Curriculum and the New Syllabus and ?the?artistic?appreciation, students in grade one are supposed to learn to be independent and cooperative in learning; besides they should learn to find out questions, analyze questions and work out questions in English; meanwhile they are requested to form the habit of thinking in English. My students have just graduated from junior school, they are able to deal with some easy questions, so in this period, I want to help them to listen independently, discuss together and solve difficult questions by teamwork.

Part three: The analysis of the teaching material

The teaching content is from New Senior English For China Module 2, Unit 4 Wildlife protection. This is the fifth period of this unit, which is about the listening, speaking and writing. This unit is about wildlife protection. From learning this period, the students can apply what they have learnt to talk and write, so this period is very important in this unit teaching and learning it well is a must for the students.

Teaching important and difficult points:

Improve the students’ listening ability, especially the ability to catch key words and analyze the information.

Improve the students’ writing skills (the ability to “output” after listening and speaking.

Part four: teaching concepts

Teaching serves students, so all the activities are centered on students. In the class, the teacher is a guide and helper. Because each student has his own strengths and weakness, and they may not at the same English level, the teacher should set questions of different levels to make every student feel the happiness of development and help them to experience success.

Part five: teaching strategies

According?to?the?artistic?appreciation,?the?purpose?of?teaching?English?is?to?improve?their?abilities?of?language?learning,?develop?their?spirit?of?teamwork,?and?help?them?to?learn?by?themselves.?Through listening and speaking, students get the content of writing and get the ideas organized, which makes the writing task easier. So?in?this?period,?all the activities are for the students, so the teacher should communicate with students, observe their emotions and make proper adjustment in the class.

Part six: teaching environment

English class is the only time when students can practice listening and spoken English, so in the class the students and teachers will mainly use English to learn and communicate. Of course, if the students have difficulty in understanding, I will translate them into English to help them cooperate well.