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必修3《Learning about Language》新课标教案优质课下载

Teaching objectives:

In this lesson, students will be able to

1. understand one important function of modal verbs.

2. use modal verbs of possibility correctly according to different levels of possibility in different tenses.

3. practice their ability to generalize a conclusion from a collection of examples.

4. develop their ability to make deductions based on given facts.

Teaching important points:

1. To guide the students to focus their attention on the usage of modal verbs of possibility.

2. To guide the students to apply what they have learnt about modal verbs of possibility to the output part through deduction and critical thinking.

Teaching difficult point:

1. Students may find it difficult to summarize the function and the structure of the modal verbs by observing the lingual phenomena.

2. Students may find it difficult to use modal verbs of possibility correctly in a real situation.

Teaching method:

1. Task-based teaching and learning.

2. Group, pair and individual work.

Teaching aid:

Multi-media, blackboard and some other normal teaching tools.

Teaching procedure:

Step1 Warming up 

1. Students are put into a scenario and will read a sad love story.

Zhi Ming was heart-broken. It was Valentine’s Day and Chun Jiao had said

she would meet him at the coffee shop after work. But she didn’t turn up.

She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. he was alone with

his roses and chocolates, like a fool.

As Zhi Ming set off for home, he thought, “I guess Chun Jiao doesn’t love me. I’ll just throw these flowers and chocolates away.” So he did.