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必修4《Learning about Language》新课标教案优质课下载

know how to use the -ing form as the attribute and adverbial in the writing;

learn the sportsmanship from his/her classmates.

Teaching important points

The forms and meanings of the -ing form as the attribute.

Teaching difficult points

The use the -ing form as the attribute and adverbial.

Teaching methods

Inquiry-based teaching method, cooperative learning and individual learning.

Teaching aids

PPT and multimedia

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Lead-in

ask students to listen to a song, take me to your heart, carefully and write down the missing words on a piece of paper. Analyze the roles the -ing form plays in the lyrics

________ from the rain and snow,(Standing)

________ to forget but I won't let go,(Trying)

________ at a crowded street,(Looking)

________ to my own heart beat,(Listening)

So many people all around the world,

Take me to your heart take me to your soul.

Give me your hand and hold me,

Show me what love is - be my ________ star, (guiding)

It's easy take me to your heart.

________ on a mountain high, (Standing)

________ at the moon through a clear blue sky, (Looking)