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必修5《Warming up、Pre-reading、Reading、Comprehending》集体备课教案优质课下载

4. talk about the characteristics and qualities of great scientists by filling out the resumes of some examples.

5. deliver an awarding speech to an Ig Nobel Prize laureate describing its research and presenting its quality..

6. understand the significance of scientific jobs and the qualities great scientists should have.

Difficult points: 1. Students will feel it difficult to extract the target words from authentic listening material at a relatively fast speed.

2. Students will find it difficult to summarize the central idea of a piece of listening material.

Students will find it difficult to deliver a speech as an oral presentation in class.

Important points:In this lesson,

1. Students will mainly focus their attention on the topic of great scientists by describing their achievements and characteristics through listening and speaking activities.

2. Students will learn to put to use what they have acquired in the lesson in the output part by speaking in a set context (the Ig Nobel Prize awarding ceremony).

Teaching Procedures:

Step1. Lead-in.

Free talk

Students will talk about what they want to be when they are kids. The classic answer “scientist” will be introduced.


2. Listening to a song

Students will watch the music video of The Big Bang Theory Theme Song and complete a sentence taken from the song.

Scientists are our b and b figure that it’ll make a even bigger bang!

Keys: best; brightest


Step2. Presentation.

Game: Who am I?

Students will play the guessing game to describe the appearance and achievements of some great scientists.

Rules: Students will be divided into four groups to take part in the game. The participant will choose a card and turn around to group members and ask them questions to guess who is behind the card.


2. Brainstorming