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II. Translation.

expert: n. adj. personal physician deadly disease

face the challenge solve this problem theory

multiply evidence determine to do sth.

a valuable clue further look into

slow down germs

III. 自主预习课文John Snow Defeats “King Cholera” 并完成课时作业Part I部分。

第二课时Unit 1 John Snow Defeats “King Cholera”

Reading ( I )

学习目标:通过阅读了解John Snow是如何击败霍乱的;学会使用阅读技巧。


Step I. Fast reading.(Join together)

John Snow Defeats “King Cholera”

Steps:What/How?1.Find a problemA. Which theory is correct?2.Make a questionB. Find out where they got their water. Analyse the water to see if it is the cause of the deaths.3.Think of a methodC. What causes cholera?4.Collect resultsD. Find other evidence to support the analysis.5.Analyse resultsE. Gather information on those who fell ill or died and where they lived.6.Find supporting evidenceF. The water is to blame. The source of all drinking water should be examined.7.Draw a conclusionG. Mark information on a map to find out where people died or did not diedStep II. Detailed reading


Para. 1 Find a problem

John Snow was an _ doctor in London who ___ Queen Victoria as her personal

_ . He thought about helping ordinary people _ to cholera. Though the cause and

the of it were unknown, he wanted to face the _ and solve the problem.

Para. 2 Make a question: Which theory to believe in?

Theory 1.________________________________________________________________________________

Theory 2.________________________________________________________________________________

Para. 3&4 Think of a method; collect results; analyse the results.

1. John Snow finally proved the theory he believed by ________.

A. gathering information with the help of a map