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《Using LanguageⅠ》教案优质课下载

本班学生英语基础薄弱,单词量较少,语法知识少,几乎没有课前预习、课后复习习惯。经统计,对于一篇300词左右的难度中等偏低的英语文章,班级中等学生大约有30个生词阻碍阅读。对于这样的学生,高中英语课本是非常有难度的学习资料,我给出的建议就是:适应与积累。适应在高难度阅读当中抓主要信息、文章段落大意与主旨;通过日常阅读、课本学习及学习英语歌曲积累词汇量。针对本文而言,由于本单元主题——急救与学生的日常生活息息相关,学生在学习第一篇Reading时注意力非常集中,吸收了文章的大部分有关急救的信息,为本文做了良好的认知铺垫;课前单词预习,也为阅读本文铺开了一条顺畅的通道。因此在本节课——语言运用的教学中,并没有将阅读作为重点,而是将其定义为增加学生词汇量及了解更多急救常识的扩展训练。通过读与讨论,让学生逐渐生成“A simple knowledge of first aid can make a real difference”的意识,为本课的中心环节——说与写提供良好的生成语言的铺垫。


通过听、说、读、写练习,强化学生对关于急救话题的词汇与表达,学生能够听懂听力部分在不同情况下需采用的急救措施;能够理解阅读部分故事情节,表达主题: A simple knowledge of first aid can make a real difference。能够运用所学单词、短语、自主生成关于急救的日常会话。






Sing a song – Counting stars

I. Listening:

1. Review: Last time we have learned the first aid for _______.

2. Beside burns, we may also meet other dangerous situations, such as…


Would you like to help them? What would you do if you are there?

3. A first aid teacher is testing her students’ knowledge of first aid. Listen to the tape; number these situations that you hear?

1._________________ 2. _______________3._______________4. _____________

Do you still remember what you should do to help them?

4. Listen to the tape again, discuss and fill in the blanks about the first aid treatment within your groups.

II. Lead-in: Now we have learned so much knowledge of first aid, and let’s try to deal with an emergency… One day, when you were studying at home with your parents, suddenly you heard a women’s screaming, you rushed out to the woman, and found her sitting on the ground with her hand bleeding heavily. What would you do? Discuss with your group members and write down two tips for the first aid treatment.

e.g. apply pressure on her arm to stop bleeding (按住她的胳膊)

1. __________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________

You are really very helpful in such an emergency, but you know what? There was a boy who really came across such a situation. What would he do? Would he help the woman? Now let’s turn to page 38 and come to a new passage.

III. Reading:

1. Scanning: Ok, so first, let’s have a look at the title of the passage. (heroic: the quality of being a hero) Where do you think the passage may come from?