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必修5《Using LanguageⅠ》教案优质课下载

(2) Talk about first aid in English and write a passage to introduce it.

(3) know how to keep calm and perform first aid in face of an emergency

Ⅱ.Teaching emphasis

(1) Help students develop their reading and writing skills

(2) Inspire them to grasp more words about emergency

(3) Develop their ability of writing first aid introductions in English

Ⅲ.Teaching difficulties

How to improve students’ speaking and writing abilities

Ⅳ.Teaching methods

Task-based teaching discussing (group work)

Ⅴ.Teaching aids

Multimedia, blackboard

Ⅵ.Teaching procedures


In last period, we learnt first aid and knew that sometimes giving first aid quickly can save people's lives. Today we will study such an example of successful first aid. Let’s come to period 5 using language -----Heroic teenager receives award.

Step 2. Glancing

Look at the form of the article and guess:

What type of writing can it be?

A. a normal B. a research paper

C. a student’s composition D. a newspaper report

Conclusion: A newspaper report contains a headline, narrow columns and a first paragraph that is different in appearance to the rest of the article

Step3. Skimming

When we read newspaper articles, we may only want to get a quick idea of a newspaper article and do not want to know all the details. For this reason, we might just read the headline and the first paragraph. This is because the headline gives reader a clue about the content and the first paragraph gives the most important information. Use this reading skill and read the headline and the first paragraph to find out the important information below:

Who? teenager John Janson

What? honored at the Lifesaver Awards