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选修6《Learning about Language》优质课教案下载

If I _________ a million dollars ( If I _________ a million dollars),

I ______________ you a house ( I ______________ you a house);

______ I had a million dollars ( ______ I had a million dollars),

I’ _______furniture for your house ( Maybe a nice Chesterfield(长沙发) or an ottoman(褥榻));

If I had a million dollars ( If I had a million dollars),

I ______________ you a K-car ( A nice reliant automobile);

If I had a million dollars, I __________________________.

Task 2: Find the rules.

Read the following passage and underline the sentences using the subjunctive mood.

The If Generation

Nowadays, many people have problems in appreciating what they have. We are the If Generation, because we keep saying what we would do ‘If’ …

When I was young, I thought that if I had had enough money, I should have bought more toys. When I grew up, I thought if I had taken my teachers’ advice, I could have been admitted to a key university. If I had been admitted to a key university, I might have enjoyed a brighter life.

Now I couldn’t help imaging the new ‘Ifs’. I think that if I had more time, I would get a good sleep. I even ask myself what my life would be like if I were not a teacher. Results? I always complain about one thing or another, and my life isn’t becoming any better.

Are you one of us?

Task 3: Conclusion

FeaturesTimeIf clauseMain clausePastPresentStep 3: Practice makes perfect.

Task 1: Fill in blanks with proper forms of the verbs.


1. If I _______(win) the lottery(彩票), I __________________ (travel) around the world.

2. If I _____(be) the headmaster, I _________________(let) the students get up a little later to get a better sleep.


3. If I ____________(get) up earlier, I _____________________ (catch) the school bus.

4. If I ____________(take) part in the competition, I ____________________ (set) a new school record.

Task 2:Create movie lines(台词) for the classic movie ‘Titanic’ .

Jack: Rose, if I __________(not win) the ticket, I wouldn’t have been on board.