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师梦圆高中英语教材同步人教版选修6Using LanguageⅠ下载详情
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选修6《Using LanguageⅠ》公开课教案优质课下载

Ⅲ. Objectives

1. Students will be able to learn some new words and expressions (commitment; individual; make a difference; put up with; your contribution counts).

2. Students will be able to figure out the major points and supporting details of this passage;

3. Students will be able to know different opinions on global warming and summarize the suggestions on how to deal with the global warming;

4. Students will be able to reorganize the major points and make a poster on how to deal with global warming with their own words.

Ⅳ. Important points& difficult points

1. Important points

Students can figure out the major points and supporting details of this passage;

Students can learn to summarize the suggestions on how to deal with the global warming;

2. Difficult points

Students can reorganize the major points and write a poster with their own words.

Ⅴ. Teaching procedure

Step 1 Lead-in

Beginning questions: (About PPT1) T: What do you see in the picture? And what happened to them?(Possible answers: The ice is melting. Polar bears and penguins lost their homes.)

Further questions: (About PPT2)T: Why? How do they happen? (Answers:because of global warming.)

Conclusion: (About PPT2)T: What is global warming? Human activities such as burning fossil fuels cause the increase of CO2, the most important greenhouse gas, which leads to the rise of the earth's temperature.. T: What can we do about global warming? There is a student called Ouyang Guang, who wanted to do a project about global warming, but he didn’t know where to start to start with his project?

(Purpose: Use impressive pictures to introduce the topic of this passage and also

give students some knowledge of global warming.)

Step 2 Reading

1. Reading for the first letter.

T: Read the first letter carefully and try to find out what puzzled the student? (Possible answers: Sometimes he feels that individuals can have little effect on global warming problem. But, He still thinks people should advocate improvements in the way they use energy today.)

(Purpose: help students learn to get the major points of the first letter and find out the purpose of the student’s writing this letter.)

Reading for the second letter:

T: In order to get help, the student wrote a letter to the Earth Care. Please read the

first paragraph of the second letter to find out what's the writer's attitude towards