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选修6《Using LanguageⅠ》教案优质课下载

Students have already learned to appreciate western painting art, therefore, appreciating more art forms can meet their need to know more, which can deepen their understanding about art. In addition, subjunctive mood is still a difficulty for many students. Combining writing with this grammar point can deepen students’ understanding of both.

Ⅲ.Three objectives

1.Knowledge objective

1. Students will be able to know more about the different forms of language art.

2. Students will be able to know the related language characteristics to write a speech.

2. Ability objective

1. Students will be able to appreciate a speech.

2. Students will be able to write a speech to persuade others.

3. Emotional objective

1. Students will be inspired to appreciate famous speeches and some may begin to imitate to improve their English.

2. Students will be able to inspired by the power of the language.

Key points

Students will be able to get more related information of the characteristics of a speech.

Difficult points

Students will be able to write a powerful, persuasive speech.

Ⅳ. Teaching approaches and studying methods

Teaching approaches: Task-based approach, communicative approach

Learning method: self-learning

Ⅴ.Teaching procedures

Steps Teacher’s ActivitiesStudents’ ActivitiespurposesWarming up and leading inshow students picture 1

show students picture 2

show students picture 3

enjoy the humorous story.

guess the riddles

practice the tongue twister. Ice breaking;