选修6《Using LanguageⅡ》教案优质课下载
Encourage students to write poems of their own.
Appreciate the works of classmates.
Learning procedures:
Step I Leading-in
Appreciate a video of a song.
What images do you see in your mind?
It is a ________ sung with a piece of music, which shows ___________ for the baby.
Other songs are sung using this piece of music, for example, ________.
Read the poem and clap your hands trying to follow the beats. This poem has strong _____.
Observe the poem and find out the rhyming words: ______________________.
Therefore, what do you think are essential to a good poem?
It is ______ and ______ that make the poem easy to read; It the ______ that make the poem impressive; All these help to convey certain emotions.
Step II Exploration of other poems
Rhyme and rhythm
Listen to poem A and complete the poem on the screen.
1. Poem A is a ______ which shows a _____ love for his baby.
2. Observe the blanks and they are _______ words.
3. Read the poem and clap your hands, trying to find out the beats.
4. Sing this poem with the music of “Little Star”.
Listen to poem B, C, D, E, and H on the textbook and read.
After listening and reading, match these poems with five pictures on the screen.
A pattern
Read poem B and C again.