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选修7《Warming up、Pre-reading、Reading、Comprehending》最新教案优质课下载

Step 2 Fast reading(Skimming)

Scan the short text on P19 and then fill the form.


Step 3 Careful reading (Scanning)

Task 1. Fill in the blanks with names of the characters in the text.

1. _________was 16 years of age when he went to work at the whaling station.

2. _________ordered Clancy to go to the boat as there was a whale out there in the bay.

3. _________was swimming by the boat showing the whalers the way.

4. ________told Clancy that they would return the next day to bring in the body of the whale.

5. ________was carried by the waves further and further away from the whalers.

6. _________knew that Old Tom would protect James.

Task 2. Put the following sentences into a right time order.

( ) George started beating the water with his oar.

( ) They jumped into the boat and headed out.

( ) Clancy saw a whale being attacked by a pack of about six other killers.

( ) The men started turning the boat around to go home.

( ) Another whaler yelled out, “Rush-oo…, Rush-oo”.

( ) When sorting out his accommodation, Clancy heard a huge noise coming from the bay.

( ) Clancy raced after George.

( ) The man in the bow of the boat aimed the harpoon at the whale, let it go and the harpoon hit the spot.

Task 3. Choose the best answer according to the text.

1. Old Tom throws itself out of the water and then crashes down in order to ____.

A. give the whalers the information about a whale

B. tell the whalers it is hungry

C. help the whalers catch the whale
