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《Using LanguageⅠ》最新教案优质课下载

1. know animals and plants under the sea and understand the new words such as pure, vivid, narrow, sharp etc.

2. learn how to describe a thing by using the new words and expressions.

3. be able to write a travel note and make your expression vivid and alive.

【Teaching aids】 Multi-media

Teaching StepsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudents’ ActivitiesTeaching AimsI. Pre-readingAsk students to watch a video about sea animals and write down what they see.Enjoy the video and talk about what they see in the video.To check students’ background knowledge about animals under the sea.

II. While-readingAsk students to read the title, pictures and the first paragraph to get the background information of the reading passage.

Read the title, pictures and the first paragraph to find the background information of the reading passage.To get students aware of the functions of title, pictures and the first paragraph and predict what the passage is mainly about.Ask students to skim the diary entry and number the paragraph topics in the correct order. Then divide the passage into several parts.Skim the passage, number the paragraph topics in the correct order and divide the passage by its topic.To get students know the structure and the topics of each paragraph.Encourage students to read for the details to find out what the author have seen and done during his snorkeling.Read for the details to find out what the author have seen and done.To enrich students’ knowledge of animals and plants under the sea.Encourage students to try using attributives to describe a thing.Try describing a thing by using attributives.To get students note the use of attributives.Ask students to tick out expressions that tell the authors’ feelings and read them with emotion.Tick out expressions that tell the authors’ feelings and read them with emotion.To get students learn about how the author expresses his feelings about the trip.III. Post-readingPresent students with a series of pictures in an aquarium. Ask students to write a travel note about visiting the aquarium.Write the travel note by following the structure. Try to use as many attributives as possible to make the travel note more vivid.To get students to describe what they have seen and done and express their feelings. IV. Homework1. Read aloud expressions that tell the authors’ feelings for at least 3 times and then translate them into Chinese.

2. Polish your writing and complete it.