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选修7《Using LanguageⅠ》最新教案优质课下载

4.To introduce different forms of the new words

5.To train the students to use the words and phrases to write a composition

Difficult points: Master the usage of new words and phrases

Teaching aids: A recorder and a projector, multimedia and handouts

Teaching procedure:

StepⅠ. Greetings and lead-in

I divide you into three groups. In this class we will have several competitions. Let’s see which group is the best. Never, never, never give up. Be active!

Step Ⅱ. Learning words and phrases


Task 1. Words

1. Listen to the radio and follow it.

Competition 1 Match the words according to its English explanation

abundant govern destination routine apology

_________: a word or statement saying sorry for something that has been wrong

_________: existing or available in large quantities

_________:to control and manage an area and its people

__________: the place where someone or something is going

__________: the normal order and way in which you regularly do things

2. Write down the English words according to Chinese

推荐;建议 vt. 丰富的;充裕的 adj. 目的地 n. 代替(品) n/vt.

电池 n. 承认;感谢 vt. 道歉 n. 准备 n. 统治;支配;管理 v.

Competition 2 Fill in the blanks using the nine words above


1. It is said that Zhu Jun will _______ (代替)for Bi Fujian to host the Walk of Stars.

2. The _________ (电池)of iphone 6 costs more than 1000 yuan.