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2. Teaching method: group instruction method and discovery method

3. Teaching importance and difficulties: enable students to master the use of the relative pronouns and the distinction between relative adverbs.

4. Teaching procedure:

Step 1: lead-in(6 minutes)

Teacher: There are six sentences in the following. Try to translate them into Chinese one by one and consider what roles the clauses play in the sentences.

① The book which he bought was useful.

② The book where he found the strange animal is lost.

③ The book whose cover is blue is about grammar.

④ The reason that he explained to me is unreasonable.

⑤ The reason why he came late for work is acceptable.

⑥ The day when they spent in the countryside was great.

Student 1: 他买的那本书非常有用。

Student 2:他发现有奇怪动物的那本书丢了。

Student 3:封面是蓝色的那本书是关于语法的。

Student 4:他向我解释的原因不合理。

Student 5:他上班迟到的原因是可接受的。

Student 6:他们在乡村度过的那天很棒。

Teacher:The clauses play the role of attribution and modification in the sentences. Therefore, they are the attributive clauses. Now, let’s review the definition of the attributive clauses.

Step 2: presentation (20 minutes)


Teacher: As we all know, the attributive clauses can be divided into two

types : the restrictive one and the non-restrictive one. Today, we are going

to study the first type. Now let’s review it one by one. I’ll give you three

minutes to discuss.

(3 minutes later) Let’s welcome students in each group to present your answers and explanations to us.