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Understand the differences between “that﹨what”, “if﹨whether”, “who﹨whoever” and the differences between Appositive Clause and Attributive Clause.

Use the Noun Clauses to make sentences, to do the oral presentation and to write a short passage.

Teaching Difficulties

1. Understand the features of the Noun Clauses.

2. How to use the Noun Clauses to make sentences, to do the oral presentation and to write a short passage.

Teaching Methods

Task-based and cooperative learning.

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Music Time: Lead-in and Warming up

·Listen to the song and fill in the blanks with the Noun Clauses.

Step 2 Entertainment Time

·Guessing game

·Interesting sentences with four different Noun Clauses.( Read and discuss the function of the underlined clauses.)

Step 3 Auction Time

·In the auction time, students should use less money to buy more sentences.

·After buying the sentence, student should tell us whether it is true or not and correct the false one.

Step 4 Movie Time

·watch a video clip and try to write down the sentences with Noun Clauses.

·Look back the wonderful sentences with four kinds of Noun Clauses.

Step 5 Competition Time

·Check what have been learnt in this lesson by the exercises with translation, blank filling, multiple choice and so on, followed by a brief explanation to the exercises.

Step 6 Summary Time

·Summarize what we have reviewed today.

Step 7 Presentation Time

·Oral Presentation: Based on the following situation, speak out a passage with the given sentence patterns.