选修8《Using LanguageⅡ》教案优质课下载
1. Do you know of something about Peking Man? Write down what you know.
2. Do you know of something about Upper Cave Man? Write down what you know.
Step 2: Answer the following questions after reading the text:
Use reading strategies to finish the questions by the students and share the answers in groups to improve abilities to read ,share and communicate with others.
1. What are men’s tasks in primitive society.
_______________________________________________________________________________ _
2. What are women’s tasks in primitive society?
_________________________________________________________________________ _______
3. Which jobs did Dahu do?
___________________________________________________________________________ _____
4. Which jobs did Lala do?
5. Which adjectives best describe Men’s task and Women’s task. Give your reasons.
Step 3: Discussion and sharing:
Use open questions to make the students reflect on the duties of the members of a family to train the students’ responsibility sense in their future families.
Do you think whether the tasks are shared fairly in primitive society?
What about in modern society? Give the examples of your father and mother?
Step4: Focus on languages:
Pay attention to the key sentences and the correct grammar form of words to make a good consolidation for a good habit of learning English.
_________ about the preparations for her feast, Lala quickly turned ________ home with her collection of nuts, melons and other fruit.