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人教2003课标版《Learning about Language》优质课教案下载

Class : Class 26, Grade 2020

Size: 48 (The whole class is divided into groups with 4-5 members in each according to their seats.)

Materials: “Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained” of Unit 1, Senior English for Schools Student’s Book 10

Type of lesson: Grammar

Aids: PPT, K7(exhibition platform),students’ tablet computer, marker, whiteboard

4.2 Contents

Sentence structures of attributive clause

main sentence + relative pronouns + attributive clause

(2) Rules for choosing relative pronouns

Relative pronounspersonthingwho/whom which that whose

4.3 Objectives

4.3.1 Instructional objectives

By the end of the class, students should be able to:

Underline the structure of attributive clause by learning about the main characters in Avengers Four.

Learn the usage and of relative pronouns– which, that, who, whose and distinguish them in attributive clause by knowing about the plot of the movie.

Understand the meaning of complex sentences with attributive clauses in the movie ending and write a short letter to Pepper for Iron Man by using attributive clause.

Cherish the peaceful life that they have now and be grateful to the “heroes” in reality.

4.4 Focal points

The focal points in this lesson include:

Underline the structure of attributive clause by learning about the main characters in Avengers Four.

Learn the usage and of relative pronouns– which, that, who, whose and distinguish them in attributive clause by knowing about the plot of the movie.

Understand the meaning of complex sentences with attributive clauses in the movie ending and write a short letter to Pepper for Iron Man by using attributive clause.

4.5 Difficult points

The difficult points in this lesson include:

Understand the meaning of complex sentences with attributive clauses in the movie ending and write a short letter to Pepper for Iron Man by using attributive clause.