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《Using LanguageⅠ》教案优质课下载

Students will be able to analyze the qualities of Zhang Guoqing and appreciate them.

Students will be able to become aware of the things that are more important than money.

Ⅱ Important points& difficult points

Students learn to find out the changes of attitudes of Liu Xiaoming.

Students are able to give advice to Liu Xiaoming to help him after failure.

Students learn to infer between the lines according to clues.

Students are able to hold a positive attitude to life and be determined.

Ⅲ Teaching Procedure

Step 1 Lead-in

Students are asked to enjoy a video and talk about what lessons they have learned.

(目的:以JK Rowling和Bill Gates经历失败后收获成功的事例视频导入,让学生先了解本文主题:失败是成功之母,进而讨论如何对待失败,树立正确的对待失败的观念,为下文分析LiuXiaoming高考失败做铺垫。)

Step 2 Fast-reading

Skim the passage and choose the main idea.

Step 3 Careful-reading

1.Students are asked to read para1 and find out what Liu Xiaoming suffered and the effects of his failure to himself and his parents.

Liu Xiaoming is

(reserved/ tired/ anxious).


parents are


(目的:让学生找出高考失败对Liu Xiaoming和Parents的影响,以adj概括情感词,并和下文情感态度转变形成对比,从而说明Liu Xiaoming从杂志中所学到的启示,自然引出两篇文章。)

2. Lead ss to read para2, underline the finding of the World Values Survey and discuss the reasons.

This enquiry found that if a family had enough money to cover living expenses and entertainment, more money did not seem to make them happier.

(目的: 让学生谈谈why more money did not seem to make them happier, 探讨生活中比金钱更宝贵的东西,如宝贵的生命,真诚的友谊,快乐的家庭,热爱的工作,持久的目标等,从而渗透培养正确的世界观,价值观,树立Money is not everything的观念。)

3.Read para3-5 and find out what what Zhang Guoqing suffered and his reactions to these difficulties, then discuss the qualities of him.