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选修11《Using LanguageⅠ》集体备课教案优质课下载

2.Enable the Ss know how to tell Chinese legends.

3. Analyse the structure of the adventure with Sinis.

4. Listen and complete the story of Theseus.

5. Guide students to plan their writing before they begin to write the first draft.教学内容分析(重点、难点、关键点等)Teaching important and difficult points :

1. Enable the Ss know how to tell Chinese legends.

2. Analyse the structure of the adventure with Sinis.教学方法Task- based teaching method, cooperationTeaching Procedure One period课堂教学设计StepⅠLead-in


“We have learnt the text ‘What has happened to Odysseus’. now, look at the picture: What can you see in the picture and what happened.”

Using Trojan War to lead in today’s topic and get Ss involved in their familiar study style.

StepⅡ Reading

Ask Ss to go over the passage (Theseus goes home) quickly and find the general idea of the text. (Answer: It introduces Theseus beat robbers on his way home.

Scanning: Ask Ss to read the passage again and try to answer the questions as listed on the screen.


What is Zhou Yang’s first task? (Answer: His first task was to write his story)

How many people read his article before it was ready to be processed into film negatives? Who were they? (Answer: Before it was ready to be processed into film negative, an editor from his department, the copy-editor, the native speaker, the chief editor and the new desk editor read his article.)

Then let the Ss make full use of their imagination to complete Ex2.

Step Ⅲ Speaking

1. Ask Ss to guess what the end of the story is.

2.Discuss in groups and present before class.

Analyze what strategies Theseus used with the problems he had already solved. In particular did he use the power of his mind or his fists.

3. Examine the problem of Procrustes and the bed. Brainstorm in groups:

What the bed might do;

How Theseus can avoid going to bed on it.

StepⅣ Listening

1. Ask the students to discuss which group gets a better end.