1.Use compound and complex sentences in writing .
2.Understand how to organize the report .
Learn to use logical links 三、学习者特征分析 本校是艺术学校,本班学生是高二美术特长生),中考总分300多分。大多数学生刚入高中校门时文化知识和学习习惯都很差的。尤其英语基础,部分学生几乎为零。这给教师的教学带来了相当大的难度。他们缺乏学习热情和积极性,也没有认真听讲﹑记笔记﹑预习﹑复习的学习习惯。面对这样一群学生,教师要想上好一堂课,调动学生积极参与课堂,真的需要付出比其他学校教师更多的努力和思考。经过两年的耐心培养和严格的要求和训练,学生们在学习习惯的养成和英语水平方面都有很大程度的改观。虽然在学习成绩方面仍然无法和其他学校相比,但学习热情和自信心还是很高涨的。因此,在教学设计上充分考虑了学生的实际情况,通过“问题导学”的课堂模式,因材施教,挖掘潜力,培养兴趣,增强自信。四、教学过程
Step1、Presentation (5ˊ)
1.Present the picture of the Natural Park and have a brief talk with the students
2.Present the learning aims to the class
﹙ 开门见山,学生感兴趣的图片引入课题 ,同时明确学习目标 ,为写作埋下伏笔。﹚
Step2 Reading (15ˊ)
T: Present the passage, Moon Park, copied by the student whose handwriting is the best in the class .
T;Question 1 :Can you find out the answers to the questions in 1 minute in the passage Moon Park ?
A Where is Moon Park ?
B What kinds of things can you do in the park ?
Ss: Read the passage and answer the questions.
T: Question 2: What in the passage makes it possible for you to find out the answers quickly?
Ss: Topic sentences in each paragraph ,the logical links between paragraphs .
T: Write the answers and the main idea of each paragraph on the blackboard .
T:There is another advantage in the passage ,which makes it comfortable for us to read .That is the mix of simple ,compound and complex sentences.
Ss :Read the passage again and find out the compound and complex sentences .Read aloud the passage to experience the use of the mix of long and short sentences.
(以读促写。体验an information report 的篇章结构 ,段落衔接及长短句结合的使用,完成语言的输入,为后面的写作做准备)
T :Read aloud the short passage on the Learning Plan for the students to listen to .
Question 3: What do you think of the short passage ?
Ss: A poor passage .It is boring .It is terrible .