In this unit , students learn several scenes of the play “The Million Pound Banknote”written by Mark Twain. Two rich American brothers make a bet on whether a man can survive a month in London with one million pound banknote. After reading we can have a clear picture of the social values on money at that time ----“Money talks”. The focus of the learning should be not only the language but also the understanding of the characters, the purpose and values of the play.
3. Students analysis(学生分析):
Our school belongs to Group C in Guangzhou. My students, whose average total marks for the high school entrance exam is 690, are the best students in my grade. However, they daren't and don't like to speak English. To some extent, English only means a necessary exam to them. Therefore, through the acting, they will find more pleasure in speaking and learning English.
4. Teaching Aims(教学目标):
1) Thinking ability: get students to understand the play and characters better.
2) Language ability: help students improve their English speaking skills through performing.
3) Learning ability: help students arouse their interests and gain sense of achievement in learning English.
4) Social ability: learn to cooperate with others.
5.Teaching theories and methods(教学方法理论):
1) Kinesthetic learning (learning by doing)
2) Cooperative-learning
3) Important others theory (peer's effects)
4) group-work
6.Teaching aids(教学用具):
Enough space for a stage, blackboard, costumes, and stage properties.
7.Teaching Procedures(教学过程)-------4P
8.Evaluation (教学评价)
这是我执教以来组织的第四届的戏剧表演活动课,由于前几次的经验总结让这次的活动更加优化:道具更丰富,台词更流畅、表情更到位、动作更戏剧,当然也显示出孩子们对戏剧的更加深刻的理解和对英语学科的更加热爱。由于担任备课组长,在全年级每个班开展了戏剧表演,百分之九十的孩子开口说英语,提升了自信和他们的团队合作能力。分享一下几个重要的环节:1. 深入剧本学习。在剧本学习时通过思维导图突破任务语言、表情、动作和心理活动,进而进行人物性格分析,例如第一场Henry面对两兄弟给的百万英磅表现出的自尊、礼貌素养,第二场几天没吃饭的Henry在餐厅的“Eats like a wolf ”。2、把握排练环节。通过任务表和自评清单让学生有导向的排练。时间的保障也很重要,可以利用早读和第九节课营造练习氛围。3、 表演前的彩排指导非常关键。彩排时堰检查台词和走位,确保表演的流畅。教师要给出改进的具体建议。4、及时地点评和班级投票评选可以让孩子得到及时客观公平的评价,可以让他们得以提升。5、 课后的感受分享可以升华活动的意义。让每个孩子及时把自己的感受写在彩色卡纸上,配以活动照片变成海报,让精彩驻足。